Museums and Digital Culture.
New Perspectives and Research
Springer Nature
Our chapter 'Engaging Museum Visitors with AI: The Case of Chatbots,' delves into the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in museums and galleries to enhance audience engagement, specifically through the development and utilisation of chatbot technologies.
Using a case study approach, the chapter offers a practical focus on designing and implementing an audience development pilot in Milan, involving four historic house museums (Case Museo di Milano).
The pilot aimed to discover innovative ways to engage teenagers in visiting these museums by visualising narratives through a convergence of chatbot and gamification platforms.

Futuri Possibili.
Scenari d'Arte e Intelligenza Artificiale.
Jaca Book
This book stands as one of the first comprehensive overviews exploring how artists and museums integrate AI into their practices. Notably, the author, Rebecca Pedrazzi, contributed a chapter detailing our chatbot game for the House Museums of Milan.
Our case has drawn particular interest from the book curator due to the use of the Design Thinking methodology in crafting the experience. Additionally, the application of chatbots, shown to be easily implementable, proves beneficial even in small and delicate museums like the house museums.

Digital Storytelling
nel marketing culturale e turistico
Flaccovio Editore
Our chapter "Digital Storytelling for cultural tourism promotion: the case of Malta" explores more than 10 years of projects by InvisibleStudio using various digital technologies to promote the cultural resources of Malta, from an early application of podcasts in 2009, to one of the first cultural tourism mobile apps in 2012, to videos and websites,.
Our digital projects are completed in a very analogue way by a paper guidebook with hand-made illustrations we completed in 2020 and is now waiting publication.

Advances in Universal Web Design
and Evaluation
IGI Global Publisher
IGI Global Publisher, an important academic publisher in the UK, was interested in publishing a book about new advances in web design. The request was to provide cutting-edge and exciting visions on the latest trends in web design and usability, to be published in a seminal book for professional and academic use.
Together with Jonathan Bowen, professor of South Bank University in London, we conducted an extensive analysis on many websites identifying gender-related trends on large-traffic websites aimed at specific age and gender population. Our analysis on the use of colour schemes, user interface design and typography provided an interesting and innovative insight on how big media agencies target specific audiences.
The book was adopted internationally by Universities and private training companies for Web Design courses and masters.

Il tuo podcast (Your Podcast)
FAG Publisher
FAG Editori, a well-established publisher of technical books and manuals in Italy, asked us to write a complete yet easy-to-read manual on how to create podcasts.
Instead of creating just a technical manual on podcasting, we decided to stress the aspects related to intellectual creativity and quality of podcasting, in order to make it a reference for anyone willing to produce not just a podcast, but a good podcast, something worth listening to.
The result was a 150-pages manual, very agile but full of interesting notes, with interviews to radio broadcasters and journalists in order to unlock the secrets of good audio communication. On the side we produced a book website, with some PDF chapters and a list of the podcasts produced by our readers.
The book had a national distribution in bookshops and libraries. Even if our target was a professional one, we discovered later on that it was also widely used in high schools and universities. The book was printed in 20.000 extra copies to be included in a technical magazine as a supplement. In 2009 it was also published online by a well-known Italian technical website.

Vignettes of Computer-based Museum Interactive and Games Software through the Years
Electronic Visualisation and the Arts, London
Conference Proceedings

Cosa resterà di queste visite virtuali?
(In Italian)
Strumenti, Strategie e tecnologie per la fruizione e la didattica dell’arte e della storia dell’arte, A cura di Federica Bertini e Rosalinda Inglisa, Collana Arte e Tecnologia di Horti Hesperidum, 2, Roma 2022

Museum websites of the first wave: The rise of the virtual museum
Electronic Visualisation and the Arts, London
Conference Proceedings

Participatory innovation and prototyping in the cultural sector – A case study perspective
Electronic Visualisation and the Arts, London
Conference Proceedings

Chatbots in museums:
hype or opportunity?
Museums and the Web

Chatbots and New Audience Opportunities for Museums and Heritage Organisations
Electronic Visualisation and the Arts, London
Conference Proceedings

Real-time Messaging Platforms
for Storytelling and Gamification in Museums
Digital Futures at Victoria & Albert Museum
EVA London Conference

3 Lessons Learnt from Building our First Museum Chatbot… 15 Years Ago!
MuseumNext Tech Berlin
EVA London Conference

Magic and Multimedia
Museums and the Web

Usability, Design and Content Issues of Mobile Apps for Cultural Heritage Promotion: The Malta Culture Guide Experience
Electronic Visualisation and the Arts, London
Conference Proceedings

Make Your Museum Talk: Natural Language Interfaces for Cultural Institutions
Museums and the Web - Archimuse

Cross media:
When the web doesn't go alone
Museums and the Web

Web Sponsorships : How Museums and Private Companies Can Play Together in a New Playground
Museums and the Web - Archimuse

Towards a Virtual Community
Museums and the Web - Archimuse

Promoting a Museum Website on the Net
Museums and the Web - Archimuse

Cooperative Visits for Museum WWW Sites
Museums and the Web - Archimuse