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InvisibleStudio is more than a company: it is a small research center.

Since the beginning of our careers in the digital museum field in the 90s we have teamed up with distinguished academics in order to write scientific papers and discuss and disseminate the best practices in order to help the advancement of the whole museum and culture sector.


Our advisory committee is comprised of academics internationally recognized in the digital museum research.

New names will be added soon.  

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Simone Arcagni

Simone Arcagni is Associate Professor at the University of Palermo. He also teaches at IULM University in Milan and at the Scuola Holden in Turin. The main fields of his research are digital cultures, postcinema, new media and new technologies.


He collaborates with the newspapers and magazines "Nòva - Il Sole 24Ore", “Repubblica”, "Film TV", "Segnocinema", “Che fare”, "Impactscool Magazine". He has his own blog (“Postdigitale”) on the web platform «Nòva100.ilsole24ore». He founded and directs the scientific journal "ES Journal: Inside New Media and Digital Technologies". As a scientific advisor he has worked and works for various organizations and institutes (Rai, Meet - International Center of Digital Culture, Rome Videogame Lab, VRE and many others), and since 2021 he is also advisor for new media and new technologies for the National Museum of Cinema in Turin.


Recently he curated the exhibitions Futuri Passati (Biennale Democrazia / Polo del '900) and #FacceEmozioni (with Donata Pesenti Campagnoni for the National Museum of Cinema).


He is also curator for Maker Faire Rome and for the festival Letterature Migranti. He is the author of Digital World, a Tv program broadcasted by Rai. Among his publications, Oltre il cinema (Turin 2010) and Screen City (Rome 2012).


For Einaudi he published Visioni digitali (Turin 2016) and L'Occhio della macchina (Turin, 2018). His latest publications are Simone Arcagni, cheFare, Polo del ’900 (eds. by), Blueprint. Pratiche culturali trasformative urgenti, (cheFare Edizioni - 2020); Simone Arcagni, Adriano D’Aloia (eds. by), VR Storytelling: Potentials and Limitations of Virtual Reality Narratives, “Cinergie” (n. 19, 2021); Immersi nel futuro. La Realtà virtuale, nuova frontiera del cinema e della TV (Palermo University Press/Rai - 2020) and Storytelling digitale (Luiss University Press/Rai/Anica - 2021).


Ann Borda

Ann Borda, PhD (UCL) is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Medicine, Dental and Health Sciences at the University of Melbourne, Australia. She is a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Digital Health (FAIDH), and an Honorary Senior Research Associate in the Department of Information Studies, University College London.  Her research publications, expertise and interests span the interdisciplinary areas of health informatics, medical humanities, citizen science, digital culture and open innovation.

In addition to academia, Ann has held leadership positions in both Australia and the UK.  Within Australia, Ann was CEO of the Victorian Partnership for Advanced Computing (2013-2016), and Executive Director of the VeRSI consortium (2009-2014) – an $11m (AUD) innovation software seed program partnered with universities and the Australian Synchrotron.  


Prior to this, Ann was based at Kings College London with the JISC program for eScience (2004-2008) supporting several national research platforms, such as the Arts and Humanities e-Science Support Centre (Kings College London) and the Open Source Software Advisory Service (Oxford University).  Concurrently, she was a Research Fellow at the Institute for Computing Research, London South Bank University (2004-7).

From 2000-2004, she was Head of Collections Multimedia at the Science Museum in London responsible for major digital and interactive collections projects across the Science Museum Group sites: Science Museum, National Railway Museum (York), and National Museum of Photography, Film and Television (Bradford).  At this time, she was also a Member and Chair of the ICOM/CIDOC Multimedia Group (2001–2005).


Ann is currently a member of the Policy & Research Committee of the Climate and Health Alliance (CAHA) co-developing a national policy framework in Australia, and a research Fellow of the Australian Institute of Archaeology supporting the conservation imaging of rare artefacts, including cuneiform tablets and an Egyptian child mummy.  


She regularly co-organises public forums and research seminars on citizen science, participatory design, and healthy tech futures, with the Australian Citizen Science Association, Alan Turing Institute and Cambridge University, among others.  Additionally, she sits on the editorial board of the Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA) London, and has been proudly affiliated with EVA since 2004. 
LinkedIn  -  University of Melbourne  -  Orcid ID             


Jonathan Bowen

Jonathan Bowen, FBCS FRSA, is Chairman of Museophile Limited (founded in 2002), an Emeritus Professor at London South Bank University, where he was Professor of Computing, establishing and heading the Centre for Applied Formal Methods from 2000, and since 2017 an Adjunct Professor at Southwest University, Chongqing, China. Between 2013-15, he was Professor of Computer Science at Birmingham City University.


During 2006–07, he was a visiting academic at University College London. Between 2007–09, he was a Visiting Professor at King's College, London. From 2010, he was a Visiting Professor at the University of Westminster. During 2010 he was a Visiting Professor at Waikato University in New Zealand and in 2012 he was a Visiting Professor at the Pratt Institute in New York.

He has been involved with the field of computing in both industry (including Marconi Instruments, Logica, Silicon Graphics Inc., and Altran Praxis) and academia since 1977.


His interests have ranged from formal methods, safety-critical systems, the Z notation, provably correct systems, rapid prototyping using logic programming, decompilation, hardware compilation, software/hardware co-design, linking semantics, and software testing, to the history of computing, online museums, and virtual communities. He holds an MA degree in Engineering Science from Oxford University.


He co-edited the proceedings of the EVA London conference series on Electronic Visualisation and the Arts since 2006, with a volume of selected revised papers appearing in 2013, published by Springer. In 2012, he co-organized a celebration of Alan Turing’s centenary, Turing’s Worlds, in Oxford. An associated co-authored book, The Turing Guide, was published by Oxford University Press in 2017. He co-edited the book, Museums and Digital Culture, published by Springer in 2019.

You can find more info on Jonathan on this Wikipedia page.


Licia Calvi

Licia Calvi (PhD) is currently leading the research group on Digital Transformation in Cultural Tourism at the Breda University of Applied Sciences (NL).

She was educated as a philosopher and trained as an interaction designer, and is working for many years now as experience designer, especially in the cultural and creative sector.


Her research interests are situated at the interface between Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage. Currently, her focus on technology includes AR/VR/MR, games, and digital twins.


She is also a member of the Executive Committee of the Experience Research Society and of the World Experience Organisation. She has been involved in various consultancy projects related to the use of storytelling for heritage. Next to her interest in using storytelling as a design tool for experiences, she is also interested in understanding the use and impact of technology, in particular of extended realities, for the design of sustainable and authentic experiences around cultural heritage.


Some of her work on museum experience design has appeared in 2018 in a curated book that she has co-edited for the Springer series in Cultural Computing.  She is now working on the follow up of this book for the same editor, with the title: Museum experience design at a time of transformation (expected publication date: mid-2024).


Sandro Debono

Sandro Debono PhD (Lond.) is a museum thinker and culture strategist based in Malta. He has a background in art history and extensive experience in museum management at all levels of the museum organigram. 


He is an associate lecturer in museum studies and other related subjects at the University of Malta and a well published author in museum studies and cultural heritage in general.  He is a former museum director, having led the complete rethink of the Malta National Museum of Fine Arts into a national-community art museum and for which he had developed the original concept guiding the project.


His repertoire of curated exhibitions includes Mattia Preti - Faith and Humanity (2013), held in Taverna (Calabria) and Valletta (Malta), Malta Land of Sea at BOZAR Centre of Fine Arts in Brussels (2017), curated on the occasion of the Maltese Presidency of the Council of Ministers of the European Union and Valletta Capitale d’Europa (2018) held at Palazzo Vecchio, Florence.   


He is an advisory board member at We Are Museums, the international platform of museum change-makers and innovators, a member of the European Museum Academy and also sits on the international advisory board of the Anchorage Museum in Alaska (U.S.A.). He is a sought-after museum advisor working with a broad spectrum of museums to innovate in their programming, outreach and user experience.  


He curates his own blog, the Humanist Museum where he frequently shares thoughts and ideas particularly on the digital particularly from the perspective of a former museum director and curator. 

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